Thursday, January 11, 2018

Running Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Running Weight Loss After Pregnancy

You just had a baby, and you're itching to hit the roads again. Which is great—exercise boosts mood, gives you some much-needed "me time," and gets you out of your pajamas. But even if you worked out through your pregnancy, you need to ease back into a running routine. After all, your body has just been through quite an ordeal—if you take on too much, too soon, you could end up hurt. And the last thing you want is to be making bottles while balancing on crutches. So Jeanette Burney, a physical therapist with the Boulder Community Hospital who specializes in pelvic-floor muscle disorders and orthopedics, and Tim Hilden, a physical therapist, athletic trainer, exercise physiologist, and head of the Gait Analysis Lab at the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine, put together the following recovery plan to help you resume running in a healthy way. Keep in mind that these are just guidelines. The most important thing is to listen to your body. If any activity makes you feel worse the day after you do it, scale back. And consult your ob-gyn or a physical therapist for specific questions about your own body's recovery.


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